The 9 Promises
to be in harmony with myself and the Community:

Knowing that our community is sacred and deserving of our love and attention and knowing that I am a vital part of this community:

  1. I promise to practice deep listening and loving actions.

  2. I promise to practice being gentle and forgiving towards myself and others- remembering that we are all in the process of growing and have all made mistakes and caused harm.

  3. I promise to practice compassion towards myself and others and transform my behaviors as a means of cultivating healing and letting go of feelings of guilt.

  4. I promise to practice being sincere rather than sarcastic in my speech.

  5. I promise to practice recognizing when emotions of jealousy, envy, competition, resentment and anger arise in me and will practice responding to these emotions in a skillful, loving way.

  6. I promise to practice remembering and recognizing the sacredness of myself and others (including all of creation).

  7. I promise to practice deep appreciation for the skills, talents and gifts that each person possesses and shares with the community.

  8. I promise to practice cultivating joy, peace and love in myself so that I can share it with all.

  9. I promise to practice taking loving care of myself (mind, body and spirit) so that I can be my healthiest self and best tend to the needs of our community.

    by Michael Hoffner