The Spiritual Truth of Kindness

The Spiritual Truth of Kindness
by Joseph Ricciardi and Michael Hoffner 

A common thread in all of the world religions, as well as Earth religions, is this universal Truth – “Do unto others as you would have done to you” often referred to as the Golden Rule. Here are a sample of how some religious texts teach it. (Taken from the book Oneness by Jeffery Moses)

Mother-Teresa-Quote on Kindness


Christianity– “Do unto others as you would have done unto you, for this is the law of the prophets”

Judaism “What is hurtful to yourself do not do to your fellow man. That is the whole of the Torah” 

Islam– “Do unto all men as you wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourself”

Buddhism“ Hurt no other with that which pains yourself”

Confucianism– “Tzu-Kung asked “ Is there one principle upon which one’s whole life may proceed? The Master replied, “Is not Reciprocity such a principle?- what you do not yourself desire, do not put before others”

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These teaching not only call us to be kind when situations go our way, but they remind us that “getting even” or “giving someone what they deserve” is not in our job description. We are simply called to love others, and allow the Higher Power of our understanding to play the role of judge.  

However, these teaching all rely on one fundamental piece, a piece that if missing makes it impossible for someone to achieve what is at the heart of the golden rule. That piece is; first one must love themselves. If a person cares not about themselves, and consciously acts in harmful or destructive ways towards themselves, they cannot possibly live out the heart of these teachings. 

Often times our self-defeating and harmful behaviors are rooted in forgetting how loved we are by our God(s). We lose sight of the fact that we are all Holy people, connected to everything around us, yet uniquely an individual.  We must see ourselves as living embodiments of the spiritual principals we read. As Jesus so often taught “The Kingdom of Heaven is within”. Our bodies are living temples in which the spirit dwells. We are truly sacred space. If we recognize our true value, we can then honor the value of others and fully live out the teachings of the golden rule. 

Being kind to yourself as well as to all people is the truest form of spiritual and/or religious practice. Perhaps this is all we are really called to do for ourselves, our neighbor and our God(s). 
For this moment and each that comes after it- consider kindness as your focus…to bring kindness to all that you encounter. By setting an intention to sow peace through the use of kindness we have the potential of leading the world into a place of peace and harmony.


“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”

-Dalai Lama (Buddhism)