Interfaith Event Celebration

Interfaith Peace

Teachers and Clergy from 7 Different Faiths Come Together to Promote Peace at Interfaith Event

In today’s world, faith and religion has become more synonymous with hatred and violence than with the core principals they are founded on- love and peace. The many different faiths and religious beliefs, that have unfortunately become a topic that divides us, are far more similar than they are different. Our ability Community Growth Center Interfaith Eventto embrace our own beliefs while at the same time accepting the beliefs of others is needed to help create peace- peace in ourselves, our communities and our world.

Our Interfaith event on Saturday, April 16, 2016 allowed the audience to hear how different faith traditions view the attainment of peace and better understand the common threads that run through each faith. The Interfaith event served as a wonderful reminder that our different religious beliefs are meant to bring us together; not push us apart. It is Divine presence in our different faiths that open us up to one another and it is the human element of our different faiths that force separation. The question for all of us to consider is – are we more focused on the Divine or human parts of our faith?

The presenters included:

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As each presenter spoke, common themes emerged- union with God or higher power, our connectedness with each other, our connectedness with the natural world and the importance of finding peace and happiness from within, not through external sources.

The stories told to highlight these themes were different- different geographical reference points, different characters and historical eras but the messages were the same. These shared beliefs draw us together and unite us as one.

It is important to mention that our interfaith event offered more than just a way to celebrate our similarities- they also allowed us to recognize the value that our differences hold. Differences bring depth and richness to our world. In the natural world an ecosystem that only has one type of species will never survive. It is the biodiversity in an ecosystem that gives it strength. Interfaith dialogue and partnerships allow us to bond over what we have in common while also embracing what is unique to each religious tradition.

Written by Michael Hoffner